The 17th century was an adventurous time on the world's oceans. European superpowers determined the world trade and filled their state coffers, among other things, with sea trade. But pirates also knew how to help themselves and exploited this situation. In order for a merchant ship to navigate through the maze of islands and seas without any incidents, it is important to memorize the ship's route beforehand. Use your memory to get from A to B safely and complete your mission successfully.


  • Your main goal is to memorize the given route and then sail it in the game, heading for the ports in the right order and loading cargo.
  • Attention: if you deviate from the given route or make unnecessary stops at other ports, you will not only lose valuable time, but you can also get into dangerous areas (pirates, shark attacks ...) and lose ship cargo and valuable life points.

Rules & Explanations

  • Memorize the given route as well as possible within the given time.
  • Follow the route on the board in the exact order and load the ship's cargo at the different ports.
  • Time is running! Sail the given route within the given time limit.
  • Left/Right mouse button: Control the ship by clicking on the map. Use the right mouse button to set waypoints where the ship should go.
  • The goal is reached when you have visited all target ports within the time limit (preferably in the correct order) and have at least 600 Life Points and 4500 Cargo Points left.


  • Right and left mouse button: Control the ship by clicking on the map. Use the right or left mouse button to set waypoints where the ship should go.


  • Programming: bacaar
  • Graphical design: bacherfelix


StatusIn development
Average sessionA few minutes

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